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Why Do Universities TRUST Electric Heating

Download the University Case Study

Download the FREE University Case Study and Learn How Universities have used our Student-Specific Heating system to save £1.9 million on their heating bills, while keeping their students warm.

You'll discover:

How Universities Benefit from This Case Study:

Unlock Lower Running Costs, Grab Your Copy Today!

What's inside?

15 pages of need-to-know information, including:

Why Universities can Trust NEOS Electric Radiators 🔥

You will learn exactly how the NEOS electric radiator performed in a university compared to others.

Real life examples within a university ⚡

You will discover real-life costings and significant return on investments from installing the NEOS electric radiator.

Why the NEOS is the best way to reduce energy loss 💰

You will understand how the system works to reduce energy wastage and keep you and your students in control!

How to decrease your carbon output 🔨

You will learn the best way to decrease your carbon footprint and reduce maintenance costs in your university by switching to electric heating.

Trust Electric Heating have manufactured over


radiators...and counting!

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