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High Heat Retention Storage Heaters

High Heat Retention Storage Heaters

An Energy-Efficient and Cost-Effective Heating Solution

High heat retention storage heaters are one of many options for those looking for an energy-efficient and cost-effective heating system. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using high heat retention storage heaters, how they work, their pros and cons, and how to choose the right one for your needs. We will also cover installation, maintenance, and potential cost and energy savings over standard storage heaters.

How High Heat Retention Storage Heaters Work

High heat retention storage heaters work by storing heat during off-peak hours and releasing it during peak hours. They use off-peak electricity, which is cheaper than off peak rates, to heat up special ceramic bricks that store the heat. The bricks then release the stored heat into the room throughout the day, providing the house with a consistent and comfortable temperature.

Comparison to Other Types of Heating Systems

Compared to other types of heating systems, they offer several advantages. They can be energy-efficient and cost-effective in the long run, as they use off-peak electricity, which is cheaper. They also provide a more consistent and comfortable temperature throughout the day than some radiant heaters. However. it is crucial that whichever heating you choose has the highest quality components. You may ask why? Read here : Why is it important to use good quality Electric Heating Components in the UK?

Types of High Heat Retention Storage Heaters

heat retention storage, energy efficient, new storage heaters

There are several types of high heat retention storage heaters available, each with its own features running costs, and benefits. Here is an overview of the most common types:

Manual Storage Heaters

Manual storage heaters are affordable and easy to use. They allow you to control the amount of heat stored in the bricks manually.

Automatic Storage Heaters

Automatic storage heaters are more expensive than manual ones but offer better heat control and convenience. They have built-in thermostats that adjust the heat output automatically, providing a consistent temperature throughout the house, day and night. However, unless you have a modern storage heater, it is not possible to have full controllability.

Pros and Cons of High Heat Retention Storage Heaters

Like all modern storage heaters or any electric heating system, high heat retention storage heaters have their pros and cons. Here are some of them:


  • More energy-efficient and cost-effective in the long run

  • Provide a consistent and comfortable temperature throughout the day (this may wear off in the evening/night)

  • Can provide heat even during power outages

Disadvantages and Limitations

  • May have a higher initial cost compared to other types of heating systems

  • May not be suitable for warmer climates as some homes rely on off-peak electricity, which may not be available in such areas


electric radiators

Choosing the Right High Heat Retention Storage Heater

When selecting your heater, it is essential to consider factors such as the size of the room, heating requirements, and cost. Here are some recommendations for different scenarios:

Small Rooms

For small rooms, a smaller storage heater may be suitable as they are affordable and easy to use as it will require less kW per hour to heat the space

Large Rooms

For large rooms, a bigger size storage heater (kW) may be more suitable as they will give out more heat and it will be evenly spread in the room

Commercial Heating Spaces

For Commercial Spaces Storage heaters may not be the best option as they may incure higher running costs. check out more here for a comprehensive guide to commercial heating systems.


For those on a tight budget, a manual storage heater may be the best option as they are more affordable.

How do they compare to Modern Storage Heaters?


latest storage heater models

A Modern storage heater like our NEOS radiator is designed to provide efficient heating while being easy to use and stylish in appearance. Its advanced insulation and premium materials allow it to store heat for longer periods, reducing the amount of energy required to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. Compared to a high heat retention storage heater, the NEOS is significantly more effective as it allows for full controllability and not just charged on a night and distributed through the day. you are able to get heat when you want it.

One of the key features of the modern heaters is its user-friendly thermostat. This allows you to set the temperature and heating times to suit your needs, making it easy to control the temperature in your home.

Installation and Maintenance of Heat Retention Storage Heaters

Installation of a retention storage heater is a straightforward process that involves mounting the heater on the wall and connecting it to the electricity supply. Proper maintenance is also important to ensure the heater operates efficiently. however it is highly unlikely that your heater will need maintaining as certain heaters are built to last. Here are some tips for maintaining and caring for a high heat retention storage electric heater:

Cost and Energy Savings

One of the main benefits of heat retention storage heaters is their potential for cost and energy savings in the long run. In this section, we will compare the costs and energy efficiency of a range of heat retention storage heaters to other types of heating systems, and provide an overview of the potential savings on energy bills and long-term cost benefits.

Comparison of Costs to Other Types of Heating Systems

When compared to other types of heating systems, such as gas or oil-based systems, high heat retention storage heaters are generally more expensive to install. However, they can be more cost-effective in the long run, as they use cheaper off-peak electricity and require less maintenance. on the other hand they will have an inflated day rate. Additionally, they offer a more consistent and comfortable temperature throughout the day.


energy efficient, cheap night time electricity, hhr storage heater

Safety Considerations for High Heat Retention Storage Heaters

While high heat retention storage heaters are generally safe to use, there are some safety considerations to keep in mind. Here are some important safety tips to ensure that your heater operates safely:

  1. Ventilation

High heat retention storage heaters require adequate ventilation to operate safely. Make sure that there is enough airflow in the room where the heater is installed to prevent overheating and reduce the risk of fire.

  1. Installation

It’s important to have your heater installed by a qualified electrician or professional to ensure that it is installed correctly and safely. Poor installation can lead to electrical problems, overheating, and fire hazards.

  1. Wiring and Electrical Components

Make sure that the wiring and electrical components of your high heat retention storage heater are in good condition and free from damage. Damaged or worn components can cause electrical problems, short circuits, and fire hazards.

  1. Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial to ensure that your heater operates safely and efficiently. Make sure that the heater is cleaned regularly to prevent the accumulation of dust and debris, which can lead to overheating and fire hazards.

  1. Children and Pets

High heat retention storage heaters can become very hot, so it’s important to keep children and pets away from them to prevent burns and other injuries. Make sure that the old storage heater is installed in a safe location away from high-traffic areas.



High heat retention storage heaters are an energy-efficient and cost-effective heating solution that can provide a consistent and comfortable temperature throughout the day. While they may have a higher initial cost compared to other types of heating systems, they offer potential long-term cost and energy savings. When selecting a high heat retention storage heater, it is important to consider factors such as the size of the room, heating requirements, and cost. With proper installation, maintenance, and care, high heat retention storage heaters can provide a reliable and effective heating solution for years to come.

Tags: Switching to Electric.

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