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#1 Trusted Heating Solution est. 2014. Find Out Why
Trust Electric Heating's Sustainable Heating Project Earns Recognition at ASCP Safety & Compliance Awards

Trust Electric Heating's Sustainable Heating Project Earns Recognition at ASCP Safety & Compliance Awards

Trust Electric Heating is honored to be named a finalist for the ‘Net Zero Initiative of the Year Award’ at the prestigious ASCP Safety & Compliance Awards. This award recognizes outstanding efforts in the social housing sector that go beyond standard energy efficiency and ecological conservation to significantly reduce environmental impacts. It highlights groundbreaking initiatives that create sustainable living environments, reflecting Trust Electric Heating’s commitment to pioneering sustainable solutions in housing. 

Trust Electric Heating’s project with the Newbury Almshouse Trust has demonstrated remarkable results in upgrading heating systems across 44 historic almshouse properties by installing their NEOS electric radiators. This initiative has been transformative, prioritising both the preservation of historical integrity and the enhancement of heating efficiency. Key Achievements Include: 

  • Historical Preservation and Modern Comfort: The project maintained the historic integrity of listed almshouse buildings while introducing modern heating solutions that do not disrupt their visual or structural heritage. 

  • Enhanced Heating Efficiency and Control: New heating systems were installed that aligned with the specific needs of residents, offering easy control and significantly improved heating efficiency, which resulted in a warmer, more comfortable living environment for the elderly residents. 

  • Reliability and Cost Savings: The upgraded heating systems have shown exceptional reliability, operating flawlessly for over two years without needing repairs, and have halved heating costs, thereby providing substantial financial relief to residents.

  • Increased Resident Satisfaction: The initiative has led to a notable increase in resident satisfaction, with feedback highlighting the ease of use and effectiveness of the new heating solutions in providing a comfortable and stable indoor climate.

John Craig, Newbury Almshouse Chair, praised the project’s collaborative spirit, stating, “Trust’s collaborative and problem-solving approach not only addressed the technical aspects of the heating system but also established a partnership built on trust and shared goals. This partnership proved instrumental in achieving the successful installation and adoption of the new heating solution.” 

Gavin Hobbs, an electrician involved in the installation, also commented on the ease and reliability of the NEOS electric radiators: “They go in, they work, simple as that. And that’s what you want. You want something that you don’t need to think about. You just get it, plug it in, go.” 

This project is a prime example of how sustainable practices can be integrated effectively within the constraints of historical preservation, demonstrating Trust Electric Heating’s commitment to innovative, sustainable solutions that respect both heritage and the need for modern energy efficiency. The recognition as a finalist for the ‘Net Zero Initiative of the Year Award’ highlights Trust Electric Heating’s dedication to advancing environmentally responsible solutions in the social housing sector, setting a benchmark for future sustainability initiatives.


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