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The Do's And Dont's of Electric Heating

The Do's And Dont's of Electric Heating

Electric heating systems are becoming increasingly popular as a cost-effective and energy efficient alternative to traditional gas boilers. Understanding the different types of electric heating solutions, such as electric radiators, storage heaters, and electric boilers, can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your heating needs and energy efficiency goals. Additionally, electric heating systems play a significant role in reducing the carbon footprint, making them an environmentally friendly choice for your home. No matter which electric heating system you choose, there are some important do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when it comes to using your new electric heating system. In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the key things you should and shouldn’t do when it comes to electric heating.

The Do’s of Electric Heating

energy efficient electric, new radiators, wall mounted, electric radiators

Do: Invest in High-Quality Electric Radiators

High-quality electric heaters, like the NEOS, are designed with advanced technology that not only enhances their durability but also improves their safety and efficiency. Features to look for include thermostatic controls, programmable timers, and automatic shut-off mechanisms that activate when the heater overheats or tips over. These features ensure that the heater operates safely and only uses energy when needed, thereby reducing electricity consumption and preventing potential accidents.

Do: Keep the Area Around the Heater Clear

Clearance around your electric heater is crucial for preventing fire hazards and allowing proper air circulation, which is essential for efficient operation. Keep at least three feet of space clear around the heater, free from furniture, drapes, and don’t dry clothes or place anything on top of the heater that may catch fire. This space allows the heater to distribute heat more evenly and operate at an optimal safety level.

electronic controls, electrical components, power required, open window detection

Do: Use Thermostat Controls

Using a thermostat with your electric heater allows you to precisely control the room temperature, ensuring comfort without wasting energy. Programmable thermostats can adjust the heat according to your daily schedule, heating the room only when needed. For example, reducing the temperature overnight or while you’re away can significantly decrease your energy bills while maintaining a comfortable environment when you’re home.

Do: Insulate Your Home for Efficient Central Heating

Effective insulation is key to maximising the efficiency of any heating system. Insulation keeps warm air inside during winter and prevents cold air from entering, which means your electric heater doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable temperature. Check and upgrade insulation in key areas such as the attic, walls, and around windows and doors. This can lead to substantial savings on heating costs and create a more consistently comfortable living environment.

The Don’ts of Electric Heating

Don’t: Leave your Electric Heater Unattended

Leaving an electric heater unattended, especially in rooms where children or pets are present, poses a significant risk. Pets or young children might accidentally obstruct the heater’s air intake or output or even knock it over, creating a potential fire hazard. Unless it’s wall mounted, and free from these risks, always turn off the heater when you leave the room, even if it’s just for a short period. This simple practice can prevent accidental fires and ensure the safety of your home and loved ones.

electric heating, electric heating systems, panel heater, storage heaters

Don’t: Use Electric Heaters to Dry Clothes

It might seem convenient to dry clothes, towels, or other fabrics by placing them over your electric heater, but this can be extremely dangerous. Not only does this pose a fire risk, but it can also lead to overheating and potentially damage the heater. For modern storage heaters, blocking the vents can cause the internal elements to overheat and burn out, leading to costly repairs or the need for a complete replacement. Always use a designated dryer or drying rack for such purposes.

Don’t: Overload your Electrical Circuit

Electric heaters can consume a substantial amount of electrical power, especially when multiple units are used simultaneously alongside other household appliances. Overloading your home’s electrical circuits can lead to tripped breakers, or in severe cases, electrical fires. Check the amperage capacity of your electrical circuits (usually found on your consumer board) to ensure you do not exceed the safe limit. If necessary, spread the use of heaters across different circuits or consider upgrading your home’s electrical infrastructure.

maintenance, system, cheaper rates, poorly insulated

Don’t: Use Damaged Electric Heaters

Inspect your electric heaters regularly for any signs of wear or damage, such as frayed cords, cracks, loose connections, or malfunctioning controls. Using a damaged heater not only risks inefficient operation but also increases the likelihood of electrical shocks or fires. If you find any damage, discontinue use immediately and replace the heater or have it repaired by a qualified technician.

Don’t: Place your Electric Heater Near a Water Source

Water conducts electricity, making it extremely hazardous to operate any electrical appliance, including heaters, near water sources. Keep electric heaters away from bathrooms, kitchens, or any areas prone to dampness or splashing water. This precaution will help avoid the risk of electrical shocks or short circuits, protecting you and your family from potential harm.

Stay Warm and Wise: Key Takeaways for Energy Efficient Electric Heating

By adhering to the dos and don’ts outlined above, you can ensure that your electric heating system operates at peak efficiency, providing safe, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly warmth throughout your home. Proper use and maintenance of your electric heaters not only enhance their performance but also extend their lifespan, offering you a reliable source of heat for many years.

Central heating brings whole-home comfort and efficiency, with central heating systems offering a comprehensive solution that includes electric boilers for efficient heating and hot water. These systems are pivotal in ensuring your home remains a comfortable sanctuary, especially during colder months. The use of an electric boiler ensures efficient heating and hot water, making it an essential component of modern central heating systems. Moreover, when choosing electric heating solutions, it’s crucial to consider running costs to ensure energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness over time.

Electric heating is a superb choice for modern homes, balancing the demands of energy efficiency, user convenience, and environmental considerations. Whether you are upgrading from an old system or installing a new one, electric heating solutions like the NEOS electric radiator provide innovative features designed to offer superior comfort and control.

For further guidance on selecting the right electric heating system for your home, and how to use it efficiently, why not book your FREE consultation with one of our expert heating engineers? They’ll measure each room, and specify the exact heating solution that your home needs, taking into consideration drafts, insulation and glazing.

Tags: General Guides, Tips.

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